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Set Solid Boundaries

Learn an embodied way to set bounadries 

This is not just a buzz word but a solid gate to protect your tender heart and create better connection. Boundaries help you teach people how to love your better. It is the gatekeeper to your innocence , not to just protect you but not letting the people extract from you without your permission. 


To be able to drive fast pace and with total awareness, one should have total control over not just the acceleration but the breaks as well. This is what boundaries do. It helps you to have a flow in your life with all the control in y0our hands. People who are most compassionate have boundaries made up of steel!!!


Sometimes the  we try to put a boundary the inner voices like  “how selfish are you” , how dare you say that” , “Where is your empathy” comes out!


Remember ,Daring to create limits requires the strength to love oneself, even when it means disappointing others. We cannot build our worth on the acceptance of others. 

Tarot Cards in the Major Arcana Affiliated With the Fire Element.jpeg

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"Boundaries are prerequisite for empathy and compassion.  We cant connect with someone unless we are clear about where we end and where we begin.n If theres no autonomy between people then there's no compassion or empathy only enmeshment. " -Brene Brown

We will learn the energetics of boundaries and do a practice to embody our sacred yes and no!

This will be 2 hours long calls , you need to have a personal space tto attend the call. its preferable to carry bluetooth earphones during the call  as we do some movement based practice.

12th Sept
3pm .
Its free of Cost. 

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