Terms and Conditions
Confidentiality - I agree to keep everything that is shared in this
group workshop sacred and confidential. I understand that this
group process will encourage full permission expression, which
means that the content shared by any participant, myself
included, may be very personal, vulnerable and should not be
shared outside of the group container.
Self Responsibility - I understand I am fully responsible for how
much and what I share and that I am always fully in control of
my own process. I take full responsibility for myself throughout
the journey and after completing the group program. This
means I will look after my needs, look after my boundaries,
take action when necessary and ask for help if needed.
Responsibility for change - I understand that the depth and
effectiveness of this process depends on my willingness to lean
in and take steps towards change.
Group aggreements
Curiosity Over Judgement - For my own benefit and for the
benefit of the group process I agree to adopt an attitude of
curiosity instead of judgment. I will become an observer of my
responses and reactions and remain as open as possible to
view them through the lens of playful curiosity.
Leaning In - I understand that this is a deeply transformational
space and resistance will most likely show up for me during this
process. I agree to practice ‘leaning in’ during the course of this
program. This means leaning in energetically, emotionally and
mentally into my own process as well as leaning into any
discomfort associated with personal growth, whilst practicing
self responsibility and looking after my boundaries.
Respecting Your Own Process - I agree to respect my own
process and not judge myself (my feelings, moods and
perceived results) based on what other participants are
experiencing. I understand that we are all unique and on
different paths and stages of our transformational journey. I
will make space for whatever I am feeling and experiencing and
I won't compare my process from one week to the next or to
another participant’s process.
Following Facilitation / Permission to Interrupt - I understand
that any practices she is offering are not mandatory and I can
decide to not participate. I understand that I am 100% in
control and responsible for my process AND I also understand
that I have chosen to work with Amana Kaur in this capacity for
a reason. I therefore agree to follow the facilitation and give
Amana permission to interrupt me to keep me on track and to
bring the focus back to the content of this program.
Medical - I understand that this group program and services
provided by Amana Kaur do have a therapeutic component to
them but they are not a substitute for therapy, counselling or
medical advice.
Emotional Self Care - I understand that it is highly likely that the
practices I will be participating in will bring up deep emotions
and I acknowledge that this is actually part of this process. I
understand that I will need to at times make extra space to feel
uncomfortable emotions, process them and practice additional
self care outside of the group sessions.
If I require any professional support outside of the sessions
(counselling, psychotherapy etc.) I will take steps to arrange that
myself. I understand that Amana Kaur will facilitate and provide
support along the way, but that ultimately, I am responsible for
my physical, mental and emotional well-being, and I will seek
additional appropriate support if necessary.